Improves skin tone and texture

At Cambridge Cosmetic Clinic

Chemical peels are used predominantly to encourage skin rejuvenation. They can improve fine lines and wrinkles and signs of ageing, as well as improve the appearance of some skin conditions. During the treatment, a chemical solution tailored to your skin needs will be applied to your skin. This solution will safely exfoliate the superficial layer of dead skin cells. This is a safe procedure performed by a very experienced practitioner who is an expert in skin rejuvenation.

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Chemical peels harness the body’s natural rejuvenation powers

Reveal a more radiant skin appearance in Cambridge

A chemical peel is an excellent treatment for anti-aging, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, melasma, skin texture, and the overall quality of your skin. Different strengths of chemical peels will be offered and are tailored to helping you achieve your skin goals. Chemical peels can potentially provide long lasting results. Our most popular skin peels are superficial. They provide beautiful results and no downtime.

  • Rejuvenates the skin by exfoliating the surface layer
  • Tightens and firms skin
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • A variation of chemical peels with proven results

Frequently Asked Questions

About Chemical Peels in Cambridge

  • How many skin peels will I need?

    This depends on the type of chemical peel you choose. Usually 3 – 6 at an interval of 4 – 6 weeks apart. However, this will depend upon the type and depth of peel you have. This will be discussed at consultation at our Cambridge-based clinic. Different types of peels target variations in skin depths.

  • How long will it take to see results?

    It should take just a few days. As the dead skin cells begin to peel away the fresh layer of skin below will be revealed. Chemical peels, when used In combination with an effective skin care regime provide optimum results.

  • Are chemical peels painful?

    The chemical peels we use are generally not painful but at consultation we will discuss which peel would be best suited to your needs and any possible side effects.  With most superficial peels you may feel a slight tingling sensation when the peel solution is applied but this should soon subside.

Your journey

Your consultation

At the consultation stage we’ll discuss your medical history and assess your skin type to provide you with expert, ethical advice on what a chemical peel could help you achieve. We will then discuss the options available to you.

Your chemical peel treatment

Depending upon the product used, chemical peels will involve variations in the process. This solution will remain on the skin for a few minutes before we remove it.


There is usually minimal downtime involved, particularly with superficial peels. However, with deeper peels the skin may take 7 to 14 days to shed and the surface layer to peel away before revealing a tighter and more radiant skin underneath. We’ll advise you on how to best look after your skin during consultation.

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    “I have had several treatments at the Cambridge Cosmetic Clinic and have found Leila to be very professional and competent. I have been delighted with the results and have no hesitation in recommending her as an excellent cosmetic nurse who takes the time to listen and thoroughly explain the procedures she carries out. The results speak for themselves so thank you Leila for all your care and attention.”


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